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Happy New Year, Sales Leaders!

Frank Marchesani
VP Business Development, Scotwork North America


From one sales leader to another, we know what the New Year means: Running to hit Q1 targets and set up the rest of the year.

Negotiation skills drive sales success. Salespeople who are better negotiators get more of what they want, including more value in their deals and stronger relationships. 

That’s where Scotwork comes in. Our proven approach will make every one of your salespeople a better negotiator.

Call me for information about how you can help your team with their negotiations now.

Happy New Year!

Frank Marchesani

Vice President, Business Development

Scotwork North America


If you prefer to fill out a form, please click the button and I'll be in touch.


Why should we talk?

To fill your pipeline with value. Effective negotiations result in relationships being stronger and increasing opportunities for more business.

Because tough conversations become easier when your team uses negotiating techniques to give the other side what they want...but on your terms.

So that you and team get more of what you want. It's true. Whether your goal is the right price, favorable terms, stronger relationships, or all of the above ─ better negotiators get more of what matters to them.

The end of Q1 will be here before you know it.


What will your pipeline look like? Will you be set up to hit your numbers for the rest of 2024?