It takes a healthy skill set to handle all financial matters for Scotwork. Needless to say, Susan has just that skill set — the result of education (a business administration degree with an emphasis in accounting) and extensive real-world experience (including working for the University of Michigan Medical School).

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Susan Boisvert

Manager, Finance

None of those qualifications suggests her sense of adventure and generosity of spirit, though. Did we mention that she spent two years as a missionary doing accounting, not to mention teaching physical education and math? “Two weeks after I graduated from college, I went to Nairobi, Kenya, to begin a two-year assignment as a missionary,” she says.

“The highlight of living there was getting to know the Kenyan people — they stole my heart. Learning their way of life gave me an appreciation for the simplicity of life and how valuable living with less is.”

Susan is a natural athlete. How do we know this? There was that time in Kenya when she went tent-camping in the Masai Mara National Reserve and climbed down Mount Kenya with a blindfold due to snow blindness. Then there was another time when she was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame at Adrian College (her sports: track and field hockey). And, come to think of it, she was a runner in the 1984 Olympic Torch Relay back when she was a high school junior.

While knee issues have sidelined her, they can’t keep her spirits down. She and her husband, both musicians, have that much more time to serve their church’s worship team together in Morris Plains, New Jersey.

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